2014 PCBL Fall Majors Division Championship
January 25th @ College of the Canyons
Black Sox (5-4-1) -vs- Red Birds (9-0-1)
Red Birds - 2nd Inning: Leandro Dottavio reaches 2nd base on a fielding error; then advances to 3rd on a pass ball. Tommy Bullock singles to right; scoring Dottavio. Rajon Carlson singles to right. Red Birds get 1 run on 2 hits; with 1 Black Sox error and they leave 1 on base. 1-0 Birds.
Black Sox - 3rd Inning: Steven Montalvo draws a 2-out walk. Mookie Williams singles to right; scoring Montalvo. Fidel Jacobo singles to right. Black Sox get 1 run on 2 hits and they leave 2 men on base. 1-1 Tie.
Black Sox - 4th Inning: Jacob Risinger hits a 1-out single up the middle; then steals 2nd soon after. Cale Hamilton hits an RBI single to right; scoring Risinger. Black Sox get 1 run on 2 hits and they leave 2 men on base.
2-1 Black Sox.
Red Birds - 4th Inning: Andrew Tapia hits a leadoff single to right. With 1 out, Tommy Bullock hits an RBI single up the middle; scoring Tapia. Red Birds get 1 run on 2 hits and they leave 1 man on base. 2-2 Tie.
Black Sox - 9th Inning: With 2 out, Cale Hamilton singles up the middle. Noah Rodriguez follows with an infield hit. With 2 on and 2 out, Mitch Garcia hits an RBI single to left; scoring Hamilton. Black Sox get 1 run on 3 hits and they leave the bases full. 3-2 Black Sox - Championship FINAL

Black Sox 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 8 2
Red Birds 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0
Pitching Stats:
WP Mike Soto (Black Sox) 9 IP; Allowed 2 runs on 5 hits, with 0 BB's & 3 K's (Game MVP)
LP Scott Foster (Red Birds) 9 IP; Allowed 3 runs on 8 hits; with 6 BB's & 10 K's
Black Sox Offensive Stars:
Cale Hamilton 2 for 3; 2 singles, HBP, 2 stolen bases, 1 RBI, 1 run
Jacob Risinger 2 for 4; 2 singles, stolen base, 1 run
Mitch Garcia 1 for 3; walk, go-ahead single in the 9th, 1 RBI
Fidel Jacobo 1 for 3; single, RBI
Game time: 10:10 am - 12:30 pm (2 hrs 20 min)